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1. How did the band initially come together? Can you share a bit about your journey as a group?

Solo artist from around 21 years old.

2. What would you say sets your music apart from other rock bands in the industry?

Mainly just being someone who creates music entirely on their own (with occasional guests)

3. Could you describe the creative process within the band? How do you typically approach songwriting and arranging?

The music often comes first, on guitar or keys. Lyrics and vocals last.

4. Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Any particular theme that’ll hopefully have some emotional or empathetic resonance.

5. How do you feel your sound has evolved since the band’s formation? Have there been any significant changes in your approach or style?

Changing all the time and constantly learning. Always a proggy core running through though.

6. What has been the biggest challenge the band has faced so far, and how did you overcome it?

Occasional dips in inspiration, time usually cures that on its own.

7. Are there any particular artists or bands that have influenced your musical style or inspired you?

Jeff Wayne, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Yes, Rush. More recently Metronomy, Elbow, Katy J Pearson, Orlando Weeks, PJ Harvey.

8. Can you share a memorable or interesting experience from one of your live performances?

A novelty act known as “Mr. Methane” asking if he could borrow a vocal microphone to break wind into. He was politely refused.

9. How do you engage with your audience during your live shows? What kind of experience do you strive to create for them?

Just gentle banter and short explanations of the origin of songs.

10. Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you’re excited about? Can you give us a sneak peek into what’s next for the band?

I’m just starting a new album with my partner Helen Flounder

11. What do you enjoy most about being part of a band? Is there a specific aspect of the music-making process that you find particularly fulfilling? 

When part of a band, it’s an extended family. The finished songs ready for performance give the best feeling

12. How do you handle criticism or negative reviews of your work? Has it ever affected your creative process or confidence as a band?

People like or dislike all music. Negative reviews are useful if constructively written.

13. Are there any rituals or routines that you follow before going on stage or entering the recording studio?

Usually lots of changing strings a week before.

14. Have you faced any notable obstacles or hurdles as a band, and how did you navigate through them?

Just life’s usual realities, you just hope that inspiration can emerge from every event.

15. What advice would you give to aspiring rock musicians who are just starting their journey?

Keep going, keep going, keep going! It’s harder than ever to be a musician, but love the music first and learn something new every day.

16. Are there any specific goals or milestones that the band hopes to achieve in the future?

I would love to collaborate more, and be in a position to spend more time creating music.

17. How do you maintain a balance between your personal lives and the demands of being in a rock band?

Having a home studio means that home life is barely effected.

18. Is there a particular song from your discography (Disc-og-ra-fee) that holds a special meaning for the band or carries a significant story behind it?

At the moment it’s “Stormchasers” (from “The Luxury of Stopping”), a song about thunderstorms (one of my favourite things about summer.

19. Can you share a fun or interesting fact about each band member that fans might not be aware of?

I have a collection of Catseye road studs. Helen (who is guest singer on “Favourite Places” is a piano teacher.

20. What is the ultimate dream or vision that you have for the band’s legacy?

To be able to take the music out with a full band.

21.  What would you be doing if you weren’t a musician?

Just my day job, electronics engineer.

22.  What song do you wish you had written by another band?

Eve of the War by Jeff Wayne.

23.  Is it possible to be on the road and not succumb to eating junk food?

Absolutely impossible.

24.  Are there any songs you have done you wish you hadn’t?

One called Canterbury Fantasy. It now makes me cringe.

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