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Hailing from Cullman, AL Shallow Side, comprised of Eric Boatright, Heath Fields, Sam Bower & Codey Red, are pleased to announce the release of their new single “You’re The Reason” through Thermal Entertainment

“The saying goes ‘it be your own people’. Self progress should only ever be measured by the previous steps it took to achieve reality. During the writing process of this song I discovered a lot of my self worth was placed in the improper hands, which sold all my previous hard earned steps down the river. I never thought I could stop believing and they were the reason for it the whole time.”

– Eric Boatright of Shallow Side

You’re The Reason” is a piece that showcases Shallow Side’s darker tones as a band, with as much melody as possible. The song contrasts rhythmically dissonant guitar riffs with a pure and rich melodic chorus.  Lyrically, the song focuses on an individual who has been manipulated by someone to the point where they no longer recognize themselves.. The song was co-written with Chris Dawson and James Beattie and was produced, recorded and mixed by Chris at Aphotic Studios.

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