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  1. How did the band initially come together? Can you share a bit about your journey as a group?

At first there was talk of a studio project when John Macaluso (Ark, Malmsteen, Jennifer Batten, TNT…) invited me to sing 3 Ark tracks at a masterclass in Marseille. With all my other parallel groups, I wanted to do something different with a certain number of guests. So I composed and wrote the songs and then joined John in Italy to record the drums. Finally, each guest sent me their recordings: Roland Grapow (Masterplan , Helloween), Ricky Marx (Now or Never, Pretty Maids), Alessandro Lotta (Rhapsody), Jo Amore (Nightmare, Joe Stump Tower of Babel and my bandmate in Kingcrown), Nicolas Leceux, Ludovic Favro, Roberto Billi and the 2 musicians from the 2 studios where I recorded, mixed and mastered the record: Tom Abrigan and Bruno Pradels. And 2 years ago, as my project became better known in my area, a concert organiser asked me to be an opener for the band FM, so I put together a local live team made up of musicians who were very close to me: Eric Luvera (my bandmate in Debackliner) and Anthony Saliba (my own brother) on guitars, Seb Chabot on bass (my bandmate from Galderia) and our new drummer PG Silvy. We’re doing 2 concerts over the next 2 months, the live team is super motivated and I’m busy putting the finishing touches to the 2nd studio album.

  • What would you say sets your music apart from other rock bands in the industry?

It evolves between Heavy, AOR, Prog & Power. You’ll also find some Greek, Celtic or oriental folk sounds in it. It is definitely melodic! There’s a radicalisation of the music, with growl vocals and under-tuned guitars. I’ve decided to go against the current trend.

  • Could you describe the creative process within the band? How do you typically approach songwriting and arranging?

I’m particularly prolific at composing and creating is what interests me most. I’m always looking for new sensations or sensations I already know and love when I find the right arpeggio, riff or harmony. I sit down in my home studio and experiment a lot.

  • Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

I can talk about science, science fiction, history… But my next album is going to be a true testament to the injustice that fathers and their children have to endure in the face of the prevailing feminist extemism, which almost invariably leads to the theft of children hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from the father, in the midst of general indifference and with the blessing of the so-called justice system, which makes you pay exorbitant pensions that are also misappropriated by the so-called mothers.

  • How do you feel your sound has evolved since the band’s formation? Have there been any significant changes in your approach or style?

As a newcomer under the name Bob Saliba, and with the release of the 1st album still very recent, you can’t really say that the sound has had time to evolve. However, the level of production on the 2nd album will be a notch higher.

  • What has been the biggest challenge the band has faced so far, and how did you overcome it?

There were a lot of challenges that I had to overcome, a change of studio during the recording process, the creation of a line-up in a hurry to cope with the imminent concerts. It is only the beginning 

  • Are there any particular artists or bands that have influenced your musical style or inspired you?

The prog (Yes, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Starcastle, Camel…) and the hard rock from the 70s (Led Zep, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, Rainbow…), the hard FM and melodic metal of the 80s (Pretty Maids, Savatage, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Manowar…), the great power prog bands of the 2000s (Ark, Symphony X, Angra, Rhapsody, Secret Sphere…). But I’ve been immersed in listening to different types of music since childhood: Greek, Celtic, Oriental and Latin folk. Video game music also inspired me quite a bit.

  • Can you share a memorable or interesting experience from one of your live performances?

every concert is a new experience, the sound, the conditions, the audience…

  • How do you engage with your audience during your live shows? What kind of experience do you strive to create for them?

I like to get people to help me in general and I never really take myself too seriously, I also like to provoke the audience a bit to test their level of receptiveness. But I’m never vindictive and I don’t like that kind of personality 🙂

  1. Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you’re excited about? Can you give us a sneak peek into what’s next for the band?

I’ve had quite a few requests over the last 2 years, so there are records that should soon see the light of day with my participation as musician or singer, if only with my sidekick from Galderia, for whom I continue to be lead singer at least on studio albums. The next Kingcrown is already mixed and mastered, and it’s going to be a real killer. And then there’s a Brazilian project for which I’m the singer and John Macaluso is also the drummer. Finally, I’m putting the finishing touches to my 2nd album with Bob Saliba, due out next year.

  1. What do you enjoy most about being part of a band? Is there a specific aspect of the music-making process that you find particularly fulfilling?

The creative process is what I particularly love, but I do it solo. But then presenting my creations to the bandmates, observing their reaction and working on them is a great experience. Finally, meeting people who say they love your music, travelling thanks to it or simply having fun with it is the ultimate achievement 🙂

  1. How do you handle criticism or negative reviews of your work? Has it ever affected your creative process or confidence as a band?

when it’s constructive, there’s always something to learn from it… But so far I’ve always had positive reviews 🙂

  1. Are there any rituals or routines that you follow before going on stage or entering the recording studio?

Not at all…

  1. Have you faced any notable obstacles or hurdles as a band, and how did you navigate through them?

the difficulties are omnipresent from the moment it goes beyond my skills as an artist. Touring is becoming more and more complicated and expensive if you want to be part of a big headlining act, a composition group costs more money than it brings in, most labels no longer provide what bands really need, the omnipresence of social networks means that quality no longer means anything as long as you get 10 million likes… It’s complicated at every level, and the only way around it is to stay motivated and surround yourself with people you trust, who are passionate and ready to support you in your project

  1. What advice would you give to aspiring rock musicians who are just starting their journey?

My own experience has shown me that, paradoxically, wanting to make a living from music is not the right calculation. If you decide to stake everything on music, you’ll have to diversify your activities to become a sound engineer, teacher, cover band musician… There are so many talented musicians out there who have been reduced to this in order to eat at the end of the month, it’s a waste. Personally, I’m not interested in any of that, I didn’t want to compromise my status as an artist and have to do all that to the detriment of my creations. So while I’m at it, having a stable job as an engineer helps me to support my artistic side. And having a job outside the music world also allows me to be very open-minded and not restrict myself to one view of things. Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from being artistic and creative

  1. Are there any specific goals or milestones that the band hopes to achieve in the future?

the main challenge is to build a solid and growing fanbase. The rest is already acquired or superfluous.

  1. How do you maintain a balance between your personal lives and the demands of being in a rock band?

I can only do this by being extremely well organised. I set aside time to work on the songs and rehearse with my various musicians. As far as inspiration is concerned, it comes all by itself. The limiting factor is often putting these ideas into record form.

  1. Is there a particular song from your discography (Disc-og-ra-fee) that holds a special meaning for the band or carries a significant story behind it?

not particularly one, each song has its personality, its history and its message within the project

  1. Can you share a fun or interesting fact about each band member that fans might not be aware of?

I’m trying to convince my brother to include some nunchaku moves on stage somewhere in the set, he’s impressive! But he doesn’t want to mix things up at the moment… lol

  • What is the ultimate dream or vision that you have for the band’s legacy?

My aim is to keep this project going in its 2 formats: studio with the possibility of bringing in new guests; and live, of course. I also have a lot of themes to tackle. 

  • What would you be doing if you weren’t a musician?

I am a former engineer in biotechnologies and still work with this

  • What song do you wish you had written by another band?

there are so many, if you ask me in 6 months time it could change, say Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull, Entangled by Genesis or Stargazer by Rainbow

  • Is it possible to be on the road and not succumb to eating junk food?

there’s no way around it

  • Are there any songs you have done you wish you hadn’t?

I don’t regret any of the songs I’ve written, but remixing them or reinterpreting some of them wouldn’t be a bad idea.

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