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 Introduce us to the band! What are your names and what do you do in the band?

Minneriket is a one man band, so I (Stein Akslen) is the only member. I write and compose all music and lyrics, and record all instruments and vocals. Sometimes I also collaborate with session musicians, but most often I do everything myself.

  • Where do you call home?


  •  How long have you been together as a band and how did you find each other?

Minneriket started in 2014, and celebrates 10 years of existence now this year. 

  •  Do you have a special songwriting recipe you follow?

I always start with some words, some ideas or concepts. Then I dive deeper into it, trying to find an essence. Unravel what it is I want to say. Then I compose the music around these ideas as I record several demo versions of the songs, before I let it rest for some months and come back to them to finish them.

  •  How would members of your family describe your music to someone that hasn’t heard it?

Hard to say. They’d probably focus on the creative part, and how it’s inspired.

  •  What do you have on your(Spotify) playlists you would be embarrassed for others to see?

I’m never embarrassed about what I listen to, I love music in many genres. But I guess most would be surprised to see there’s a lot of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion in my playlists. Or some obscure childrens songs about pirates.

  •  Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Minneriket is a one-man band and does not play live.

  •  Who have you met that has left you starstruck?

Oh that’s never happend. I’m not wired that way. I love to meet people who either entertain me or that I can admire for a particular skill set, but I’m not one to get starstruck. That’s just too weird to me. We’re all merely humans.

  •  What do you consider your greatest achievement as far as a band?

My own endurance. It takes its toll  being a one-man band doing all the creative writing, recording, production, design and PR yourself. And doing this for 10 years is probably the greatest achievement. So let’s do it another 10!

  •  What key elements do you believe makes up a successful song?

You need honesty. You need to know what you want to say, and be able to present it with conviction. You need memorable parts, the right competence, and you need to see it as a whole knowing that elements complement eachother.

  •  When writing, how do you know when it is finally done?

I usually have the music ready in my head. I hear the songs completed in my head before I record the finished version. If the recorded version is at least 90% similar to what is in my head, then I consider it done “enough”.

  •  What song of yours are you most proud of?

That varies, but right now it’s probably “Nåde” from Gjennom meg går ingen til hvile. That song is very complex and technical, but still both minimalistic and with a dense atmosphere. It’s a rare treat.

  •  Is it possible to be on the road and not eat junk food? How do you keep it leveled out?

Minneriket doesn’t tour. And junk food is okay, as long as you also make an effort to stay fit.

  •  Are you able to write while on the road or do you need a calm familiar space like home?

Minneriket doesn’t tour. I can write ideas whenever and wherever, but to really sit down and bring forth my visions I need to be in a place where I’m in control and undisturbed.

  •  What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen on stage or on tour?


  •  What can BleachBANGS do to help you in any way? 

As a way to celebrate the 10 year anniversary I’m preparing a special limited cassette tape which will be officially revealed a little later this fall. If you’re interested, it’s already available as a Spotify playlist called “A Decade of Darkness: 10 Years of Romantic Black Metal”. It’s a great place to start if you’re new to Minneriket, so be sure to check it out and share it with your friends.

  •  How can everyone keep up with everything you have going on? Where can they get albums/merch?

Follow @Minneriket on all relevant social medias, Spotify and of course on BandCamp. For behind the scenes excerpts and to connect please use social medias, and for official news and press releases please check out

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